
发布时间:2020-01-06    文章标签:    浏览:306
  俗话说,每逢佳节胖三斤。春节刚过去不久,就发现,其实胖三斤都还是保守估计,实际上随随便便就能够胖到回去时老板都认不出你。今年,东北虎们都胖成了东北猪,我们更要警惕一下“春节膘”了。  下面这些名人减肥的例子,足以让你从床上爬起来,在运动中找回原来那个纤细的自己吗?  Like anyone else, celebrities sometimes have trouble keeping the pounds off. Many start diets to achieve weight loss. Check out the ones who succeeded!像所有人一样,名人有时也会遇到减肥的问题。一些人开始靠节食来达到减重的目的,看看已经成功的有哪些人。  Kim Kardashian always had a big butt, which people seem to love her for. But when she was pregnant with Kanye’s 2 children, she put on a lot of weight. Good thing that Kim quickly lost her baby pounds!Kim Kardashian的臀部一直很大,这似乎也是人们喜爱她的原因。但当她怀上Kanye的两个孩子时,她的重量增加了很多。不过好的是Kim很快就甩掉了孩子带来的这些体重。  Joining Ricki Lake and Oprah Winfrey as a member of the weight loss & weight gain swing club, Janet is currently looking good and is much thinner. Here’s hoping she keeps it that way!Janet作为其中一员,加入了Ricki Lake和Oprah Winfrey的“忽胖忽瘦”俱乐部,她目前是看起来很赞,并且瘦多了。希望她能那样保持下去。  Tips  1)the weight loss & weight gain swing club “忽胖忽瘦”俱乐部  这并不是指真的有这个俱乐部,而是用这样的表达方式,诙谐幽默地表示他们的体重都是忽上忽下,不停波动,而没有一个体重的稳定状况。  2)here’s hoping希望  e.g. Here’s hoping we can keep fit all the time. 希望我们能够一直健康匀称。  e.g. Here’s hoping they can. 希望他们能做到。  Alec Baldwin was always good looking and fit when he was young. As he got older, the pounds added on until he was virtually unrecognizable. Well, he’s now back to a much fitter self.AlecBaldwin年轻的时候一直长得很好看很健康。随着年龄增长,体重的增加使得他几乎无法辨认了。不过,他现在变回了更健康的自己。  Rosie O’Donnell is almost synonymous with overweight, even though we love her. Well, it looks like Rosie has taken her health into consideration because she now looks much slimmer.Rosie O’Donnell几乎就是超重的代名词,即使我们很喜爱她。好吧,Rosie现在看着苗条多了,看起来她已经在考虑她的健康问题了。  Tips  Synonymous with… …的代名词  Synonymous 表示“同义的;同义词的”等意思,所以synonymous with表示“与……同义”,进而引申出“代名词”的含义。Synonyms 表示“同义词”。  Mariah Carey, one of the world’s most popular singers, disappointed many fans by gaining a ton of weight. She quickly realized her mistake and lost a lot of it, returning to her beautiful figure.Mariah Carey,世界最流行的歌手之一,由于体重暴增而使很多歌迷失望。她很快认识到她的过失并减掉了很多,回到了她优美苗条的身材。  这里用了多种表达方式来描述“减肥”和“变胖”这两件事,使得文章更加丰富。如果我们能够熟练掌握、运用这些不同的表达,那么我们的口语也能够更加丰富和生动。  总结一下文章中关于“减肥”那些词:  keep the pounds off 使体重下降  lose one’s pounds 减掉体重  be look good and be much thinner 看起来很赞而且瘦了很多  back to a much fitter self 变回了更健康的自己  beautiful figure优美的身材  look much simmer看着苗条多了  表示“变胖”的那些词:  put on a lot of weight 增加了好多重量  the pounds add on体重增加  gain a ton of weight 体重暴增  almost synonymous with overweight 几乎就是超重的代名词  声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。

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