
1、在登山的过程中,没有人在乎你是轻松或困难。人们只会看你最后登上的位置,或鄙夷或仰望。In the process of climbing, no one cares if you are relaxed or difficult. People will only look at the last place to board, or despise, Or look up.2、没有到不了的山顶,只有不愿继续前进的心。There is no mountain top that can't be reached, only the heart that is unwilling to move on.3、不怕山有多高,只怕脚停留。到了山顶才会明白,人生没有过不去的坎。Not afraid of how high the mountain is, just afraid that the feet will stay. When you get to the top of the mountain, you will understand that there is no hurdle in life.4、高山巍峨拔地起,绿水长流天上来。登顶俯瞰全是景,一览无余皆是情。The mountains rise high and the green water flows into the sky. Climbing to the top and looking down at the whole scene, the view is full of love.5、你想爬到山顶,必定付出辛苦;你想早点儿回家,必定要提早赶路;你有你的野心,必定要克服困难。You must work hard to get to the top of the mountain. If you want to go home early, you must go early. You have your ambition, you must overcome the difficulties.6、爬山的过程就像人的生活一样,做什么事情都要有恒心,要有勇气去挑战,只有毅力强的人,才能到达终点。The process of climbing a mountain is like a person's life. You must have perseverance in everything you do. To have the courage to challenge, only those who have strong perseverance can reach the end.7、登山,攀险,望天边;游湖,听水,忆红颜。Mountain climbing. Look at the horizon. Swim the lake to listen to the water and remember the beauty.8、爬山很累,但是山顶的风景很美,山如人生,使我清醒,也使我在前行的过程中,更加坚定自己内心的路程。Climbing the mountain is very tired, but the scenery on the top of the mountain is very beautiful, and the mountain is like life, which makes me awake. It also made me more determined in my inner journey as I moved forward.

描写爬山的句子  1.我背着一壶水,手里拿着个竹杖,沿着曲曲折折的石阶往上爬,爬山可真是一件苦差事,出发不多久脚掌就磨破了,腿开始打颤,早就精疲力竭了。我扑哧扑哧的喘着粗气,真是恨不得“胁下生双翼,直飞到山顶”。  2.越往上走,风也越大,也越发凛冽,无数只鸟扇着白色的翅膀,鸣叫着在山间盘旋,我知道,是我们惊了它们的梦。前面的人的脚带起的尘土,迷得我睁不开眼,只好混混沌沌跌跌撞撞地朝上走。我也是气喘吁吁的.,遮阳帽早已湿了,身体也渐渐滞重,额头上的汗水,顺着面颊流淌下来……  3.实在太累了,就停下来靠着石级旁的护栏歇歇脚,有时也想想事情。因为这山好像被这座城市忘了,没有人光临,我一个人独享了这份宁静,所以什么事都可以想,也什么事都可以不想。默头走在这唯一的路上,除了自己粗粗的喘气声,有时候也听得见树木们的呼吸声,甚至感觉它们都在看着自己,那一双双熟悉而又陌生的眼睛,仿佛置身于城市中央,神情各异。  4.我们登山,身轻如燕,健步如飞。我们登山,气喘似牛,步履沉沉。不管怎样的走法,我们都在大山的怀抱里,尽情呼吸着清新的空气,感受爽劲的山风,我们在远离红尘喧器的宁静里,以一身疲累,换得了心灵的休整与放松。

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