
矮子爬坡――贪便宜 Shorty climbing -- cheap八个歪脖坐一桌――谁也不正眼看谁 白了尾巴尖的狐狸――老奸巨猾 八十老人吹灯――喘不上气;上气不接下气 白娘子遇许仙――千里姻缘一线牵 八仙过海――各显神通;略显其能 白天盼月亮――甭想;莫想;休想 八贤王进宫――好难请 百货大楼卖西装――一套一套的 八月十五的月亮――年年都一样;正大光明 百斤重担能上肩,一两笔杆提不动――大老粗 八月十五吃元宵――与众不同 百万雄师下江南――兴师动众 拔草引蛇――自讨苦吃;自找苦吃 搬菩萨洗澡――越弄越糟;白费神;空劳神 斑鸩打架――卖弄风流 斑马的脑袋――头头是道 半道上捡个喇叭――有吹的了 半斤对八两――不相上下;彼此彼此; 半空中骑马――腾云驾雾;露了蹄 半山崖的观音――老实(石)人 半夜做梦娶新娘――尽想好事;想得倒美 扮猪吃老虎――大智若愚 养麦地里抓王八--十拿九稳 养麦地里藏秃子--没有看出你来 硬按公鸡下蛋--指望不上 硬牛皮…一看你咋吹 硬要麻雀生鹅蛋--蛮不讲理 硬棒槌弹棉花--越弹越乱 要饭的打狗--穷横 要饭的拿饼子--没有一块好的; 要饭的拿戳子--逞(称)什么 月亮当镜子--太把自己看大了 夜壶打了把--光剩嘴了 夜不关门--穷壮胆 鹰飞蓝天,走夜路--各走各的道 演员谢幕--该下台了 蝇子见了血--走不动 杨志卖刀--无不识货 圆珠笔蘸墨水一多事 姨奶奶的枕头凤--软中有硬 盐堆里爬出来的人--闲(咸)话不少 袁世凯当皇帝--短命的货 鸭棚的老汉睡懒觉--不简(拣)单(蛋) 烟灰抹面皮--黑下脏来 烟袋锅里煮饭--捣鼓不开 烟袋锅烤手--没有热乎劲 掖着个孙悟空--憋出个猴来 野狸子舔虎鼻梁--溜须不要命 野兽当家--荒凉 野牛闯进火海里--有命没毛 眼里的灰尘--不能容忍 眼睛上出芽了--不是好苗头 渔网当伞--遮不住阳光 阎王开店--无人买 阎王爷做的芝麻饼--鬼点子多 阎王爷的扇子--扇阴风 腌萝卜拌黄瓜--都闲(咸)着 腰里别钢筋--腰杆子硬 鱼盆里的螃蟹--你算哪一路 鱼篓里的螃蟹--进来容易出去难 爷见孙,猫见窜--亲 夜壶里洗澡--扑腾不开 叶公好龙--怕是真的 一个师父一路拳--各有各的打法 一双脚踏两只船--三心二意 云里张口袋--装风(疯) 云南老虎蒙古骆驼--素不相识 月亮下看书--沾你的光了 远处有灯--前途光明 圆桌会议--不分上下; 玉皇大帝拜财神一有钱大三辈 雨夜打灯笼--经不起风雨 又属百灵鸟又属袋鼠--会唱会跳 夜莺配鹦鹉--正合适 药店里招手--把你往苦里引 药铺里卖棺材--往最坏处想 咬着铁棍还说牙齿硬--强装有本事 腰里别镰刀--走到哪儿于到哪儿 腰里掖着个扁担--横闯一个点儿 养在圈里的猪--少不中 → 英自动检测语言 中 → 英 英 → 中 中 → 日 日 → 中 百度翻译API开放啦! 翻译结果(中 > 英)复制结果双语对照查看Eight my sitting at a table -- who does not look at whoWhite tail tip fox -- old, crafty personThe eighty old man blows -- breath; out of breathThe white snake in Xu Xian -- miles led by the first marriageThe Eight Immortals crossing the sea -- each shows special prowess; slightly toFor the moon, the day -- to do; do not think me;Eight good King Palace -- hard to pleaseDepartment store sell suit -- a set ofIn August fifteen of the moon -- every year as; be open and aboveboard hundred burden to shoulder, one or two pen lift -- ButchIn August fifteen eating lantern -- a million bold warriors out of the ordinary Jiangnan -- dramaticsWeeding the snake -- get into; ask for it to take a shower of Bodhisattva -- getting worse; in vain God; empty heartSpot Zhen fights -- a coquettish zebra head -- closely reasoned and well arguedOn the way to pick up a horn -- a blowing half a catty eight two -- to be roughly the same; right back at you;The air become an immortal riding -- out of the shoe; half a Buddism godness Guanyin cliff -- honest ( stone ).Midnight dream bride -- try to think of good things; you wish the shitkicking surfer -- still water runs deepRaise Maidili catch bastard - as sure as a gun to raise Maidili hide bald - no see youHard by cock lay eggs - can't count on a hard leather ... A look at why you blowThe students would be savage and absurd goose - rod hammer elastic cotton - more play the more chaoticThe poor beggar - Cross beggar with pancake -- not a good;A beggar with stamp - play the (known ) what the moon when the mirror - - take yourself too large.You beat - light left mouth night does not close - poor courageThe eagle fly blue sky, walk at night - go all the way down the curtain call -Silene see blood - walk Yang Zhi sell knife - all knowBallpoint pen with ink much concubine pillow Phoenix - soft in hardSalt out - free ( salty ) so many Yuan Shikai when the emperor - a short-lived.The old man sleeping in duck shed - Jane ( pick ) single ( egg ) ash wiping leather - Black dirty.Hookah pot cooking - fiddle on hookah pot roast hand - no enthusiasmLeader Sun Wukong - at a monkey to No Ko lick tiger nose - sucking meBeast - wild bison broke into a sea of flames headed - life without hairIn the eyes of the dust - intolerant eye budding -- not good symptomFishing nets when the umbrella - not cover Sun Shop - Yama no buyerThe devil do sesame cake - Wicked ideas Yama fan - fan windPickled radish cucumber salad - free ( salty ) with the waist bar - back hardThe crab in fish in the basin - you which way basket crab - it is easy to enter difficultI see the sun, cats and channeling - pro - just take a shower chamber in openMean - if it is really a master forms -- each playA pair of have a foot in two camp - half-hearted cloud Zhang pocket - loading wind ( MAD )Yunnan tigers Mongolia camel - be strangers to each other under the moon - read a book with your lightDistant lights - the bright future Roundtable - neck;The jade emperor worship the God of wealth a rich three generation night playing lanterns - wind and rainIt belongs to the lark is a kangaroo - will dance and sing the nightingale with Parrot - rightDrugstore Beck - put your suffering people who sell to lead coffin - the worstBiting bars also said dental hard - with ability strong waist sickle - go to whereWaist, a pole - Cross ran a little raise in the circle of the pig - less


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