
董小姐你从没忘记你的微笑就算你和我一样渴望着衰老董小姐你嘴角向下的时候很美就像安和桥下清澈的水Miss Dong, never do you forget your smileEven though you wish to grow old just like meMiss Dong, you’re so beautiful with lips curled downJust like the clear water under the Anhe Bridge董小姐我也是个复杂的动物嘴上一句带过心里却一直重复董小姐鼓楼的夜晚时间匆匆陌生的人请给我一支兰州Miss Dong, I am a complex animal too Simply said but continue to repeat it in my heartMiss Dong, the night in Gulou passed away too swiftlyStranger, please offer me a Lanzhou cigarette所以那些可能都不是真的董小姐你才不是一个没有故事的女同学爱上一匹野马可我的家里没有草原这让我感到绝望董小姐So all those may not be true, Miss DongYou’re not a female classmate without storiesIn love with a mustang, but I have no grassland at my houseThis really fills me with despair, Miss Dong 董小姐你熄灭了烟说起从前你说前半生就这样吧还有明天董小姐你可知道我说够了再见在五月的早晨终于丢失了睡眠Miss Dong, you crushed your cigarette and talked about the pastAbout your earlier life, you said let it be, there’s still tomorrowMiss Dong, do you know I had bidden enough farewellsIn the morning of May, I finally lost my sleep所以那些可能都不是真的董小姐你才不是一个没有故事的女同学爱上一匹野马可我的家里没有草原这让我感到绝望董小姐So all those may not be true, Miss DongYou’re not a female classmate without storiesIn love with a mustang, but I have no grassland at my houseThis really fills me with despair, Miss Dong 所以那些可能都会是真的董小姐谁会不厌其烦的安慰那无知的少年我想和你一样不顾那些所以跟我走吧董小姐躁起来吧董小姐So, those may turn out to be true, Miss DongWho’ll spare no trouble to comfort that naive teenagerJust like you, I want to disregard all those, soFollow me, Miss DongBe restless, Miss Dong
董学姐,我从没忘记你的微笑 / 就算你身上还有,隔夜的味道 董学姐,你宽衣解带的时候很美 / 就像日本东京,燥热的水 董学姐,我也是个食肉的动物 / 嘴上一带而过,身下却一直重复 董学姐,如家的夜晚时间匆匆 / 陌生的人,请给我一盒冈本~ 所以那些谣言都不是真的,董学姐 / 你才不是一个内部松弛的女同学 / 爱上一个学姐,可我的校长是她干爹 / 这让我感到绝望,董学姐 这TM让我绝望,董学姐.

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