trap 的意思

trap美音:[træp]英音:[træp] trap的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释trap1名词 n. [C]1.陷阱,罗网,捕捉器The hunter set traps to catch foxes. 猎人设陷阱捕捉狐狸。 2.(陷害人的)圈套,诡计,阴谋I knew perfectly well it was a trap. 我很清楚这是一个陷阱。 3.(排水管等的)U(或S)形弯管,防臭瓣4.【俚】嘴He kept his trap shut. 他闭口不言。 5.(抛掷飞碟的)飞靶发射机6.困境,牢笼To break out of the poverty trap they need help from the government. 为了摆脱贫困的处境,他们需要政府的帮助。 7.(赛狗用的)起跑笼8.【口】打击乐器[P]9.二轮轻马车The farmer went ahead in his trap. 农夫驾着双轮轻便马车继续赶路。 10.车速检测设施11.活板门及物动词 vt. 1.设陷阱捕捉The bear was trapped. 那头熊落入了陷阱。 2.使落入圈套(或困境)[(+into)]The police trapped him into a confession. 警察设圈套使他招供。 Many women are trapped in loveless marriages. 许多妇女陷入没有爱情的婚姻之中而无法摆脱。 3.阻止,抑制;堵塞Sand and leaves trapped the water in the stream. 沙子和树叶堵住了小河的水流。 4.在...串装上防臭瓣不及物动词 vi. 1.设陷阱;设圈套2.诱捕野兽He made his living by trapping. 他以捕捉野兽为生。 3.飞靶射击练习trap2及物动词 vt. 1.装饰(马),打扮名词 n. 1.【旧】【口】个人衣物,行李,杂物[P]I packed my traps and went on shore. 我收拾好行李上了岸。 trap3名词 n. 1.暗色岩,火山岩2.储油地质构造
trap有如下意思: n.圈套, 陷阱, 诡计, 活板门, 存水弯, 汽水闸, (双轮)轻便马车vi.设圈套, 设陷阱vt.诱捕, 诱骗, 计捉, 设陷, 坑害, 使受限制文中所用是“使受限制”,做及物动词。名词 n. 圈套;诡计 plan to catch someone; trick to make someone do or say something ・ The police set traps to make him confess. 警方设圈套使他招供。 ・ a light trap 灯光捕虫器 ・ mouse trap 老鼠夹子(捕鼠器) ・ to fall into a trap 落入陷阱;落入圈套 ・ get out of a trap 摆脱圈套 ・ set traps for mice 设下捕捉老鼠的夹子 及物动词 vt. 捕捉;诱捕;使上当 catch or trick a person or animal ・ The bear was trapped. 那只熊被陷阱所困。 ・ be trapped into confessing the facts 受骗而招出实情 isoelectronic trap等电子陷阱liquidity trap流动性陷阱A trap door.通气门Shut your trap!住嘴!steam trap valve疏水阀


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