LOL英雄联盟的英雄设计师都有谁?越多越好 有邮箱...

设计师Coronach.他设计的英雄:Akali, the Fist of Shadow- 阿卡利Brand, the Burning Vengeance 布兰德Corki, the Daring Bombardier 飞机Elise, the Spider Queen (Partly with Meddler) 蜘蛛Karma, the Enlightened One 卡玛Katarina, the Sinister Blade 凯特琳娜Kayle, the Judicator (remake) 凯尔LeBlanc, the Deceiver 勒布朗Lee Sin, the Blind Monk 忙僧Malphite, the Shard of the Monolith 石头人Mordekaiser, the Master of Metal 钢铁大师Olaf, the Berserker 奥拉夫Poppy, the Iron Ambassador 波比Rammus, the Armordillo 拉莫斯(龙龟)Shyvana, the Half-Dragon (partly with Ezreal) 龙女Swain, the Master Tactician 斯旺(乌鸦)Udyr, the Animal Spirit 动物之灵Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil 维嘉Wukong, the Monkey King 悟空Yorick, the Gravedigger 掘墓人Zyra, Rise of the Thorns (partly with CertainlyT and Morello) 荆棘之兴

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