铁竹堂money money 歌词

give me all my money and give me all my cash...give me all my money...money money money money不管我赚到多少钱我道德不会变因为我自己看到太多人变的太贱我不会在乎地位我只想保护长辈让他们早点退休我永远不会累我有很多计画我永远不会作罢我付出的辛苦就是我成功的代价我越忙我越爽我还干麻放假有jason 跟他们讲一下b1:jason不知不觉我赚了好几个一百万车子也是一辆接着一辆的换每天跟马子出去玩口袋总是摆着好几万好像我是 king of taiwanbaby,u gotta believe me这个世界只要拥有了钱你就可以拥有一切当金钱和权力都掌握在你手上我相信你也可以感受到它的力量c1:michaelmoney money money money makes the world go round(round and round and)money money money money makes the world go round(makes the world go)money money money money makes the world go round(round and round and)money money money money makes the world go roundbreak1:vincenow give me all my money;give me all my cashcuz money talks so i gotta hustle hard and fast(x4)a2:jason每个人都想变成我却不知道后果我手上拿着钱却是前在控制着我有钱让我振作有钱让我堕落有钱让我快活有钱让我难过钱多有什么用我只享受尊重当他们看到我的gucci就像看到我的成功我真不希望你们用世俗眼光看我但如果你看不起我我的钱还有很多b2:scottie我有beemer,benz,and,jeep 在车上跟美眉玩游戏我和jason,vnz 用钱来满足自己送礼物给我的baby 要什么我都给你衣服钻石还是jewelry 有标价钱的都可以c2:michaelmoney money money money makes the world go round(round and round and)money money money money makes the world go round(makes the world go)money money money money makes the world go round(round and round and)money money money money makes the world go roundbreak2:vincenow give me all my money;give me all my cashcuz money talks so i gotta hustle hard and fast(x4)c3:michaelmoney money money money makes the world go round(round and round and)money money money money makes the world go round(makes the world go)
Money money money

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