哈库呐玛塔塔 是什么意思啊?

哈库呐玛塔塔是《狮子王》中最有名的一句口号,也是丁满彭彭的生活哲学,当他们救了辛巴之后,便教他Hakuna Matata的哲学来忘却烦恼,歌曲后半段的间奏,代表著辛巴由小孩成长为成人的过程。
哈库呐玛塔塔来源一句古老而神奇的非洲谚语,意为从此以后无忧无虑,梦想成真。(hakuna--“没有”, tata--“烦恼”, ma--复数词缀) 意思类似don't worry,在非洲时一般用于劝解打架的两人,让他们和解。
动画剧集主题曲《哈库呐玛塔塔》,同时也是电影《狮子王》中的一首脍炙人口的插曲,以其热闹的POP风格,完美地诠释出剧情中描述的惬意自在的丛林生活。此曲出自金奖作词家提姆・瑞斯(Tim Rice)与流行音乐巨擘艾尔顿・强(Elton John)之手,堪称二人杰出才艺的完美融合。
Hakuna Matata可以说是狮子王中最有名的一句口号,也是丁满彭彭的生活哲学,当 他们救了辛巴之后,便教他Hakuna Matata的哲学来忘却烦恼,歌曲后半段的间奏, 代表著辛巴由小孩成长为成人的过程,所以在这首歌里面,你可以听到幼年与成年辛 巴不同的声音! 详情请见 (彭彭和丁满)(狮子王) Hakuna Matata 1994 Music by Elton John Lyrics by Tim Rice Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze It means no worries For the rest of your days It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata! When he was a young warthog... When I was a young wart hoooog! Very nice. Thanks! He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal He could clear the savannah after every meal I'm a sensitive soul,though I seem thick-skinned And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind And oh, the shame (He was ashamed!) Thoughta changin' my name (Oh, what's in a name?) And I got downhearted (How did you feel?) Ev'rytime that I... (Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids!) Oh... sorry. Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze It means no worries For the rest of your days (Yeah, sing it, kid!) It's our problem-free philosophy... Hakuna Matata! It means no worries For the rest of your days. It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata 中文翻译 哈库拉・马塔塔 多

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