
我家的后面有一个很大的园,相传叫作百草园。There was a huge garden at the back of my home, and it had been called Hundred-Grass Garden for generations.现在是早已并屋子一起卖给朱文公的子孙了,It was sold a long time ago together with the house as a package to a descendant of Zhu Wengong.连那最末次的相见也已经隔了七八年,Seven or eight years have passed since the last time I saw it.其中似乎确凿只有一些野草;但那时却是我的乐园。In my recollection, it seems there were in fact some weeds inside, but for a certain period of time it was my paradise.--------------------------------------------------------------------------不必说碧绿的菜畦,光滑的石井栏,高大的皂荚树,紫红的桑椹.Let’s not mention the lush-green vegetable plot, the slippery-smooth water-well outer-wall, the towering honey-locust tree, and the purplish-red mulberry fruits.也不必说鸣蝉在树叶里长吟,肥胖的黄蜂伏在菜花上,轻捷的叫天子(云雀)忽然从草间直窜向云霄里去了。And let’s also not talk about the chirping cicadas on foliage, the fat wasps on vegetable blooms, and the nimble skylarks lurking in lawn ready to zoom skyward all of a sudden.单是周围的短短的泥墙根一带,就有无限趣味。Just the surrounding area at the foot of the mud wall presented a lot of fun.油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟀们在这里弹琴。Over there seemingly bell-ring crickets were singing in low key and grass-crickets were playing pianos.翻开断砖来,有时会遇见蜈蚣;还有斑蝥,Had you turned over broken brick pieces lying around, sometimes you could find centipedes and blister-beetles underneath.倘若用手指按住它的脊梁,便会拍的一声,从后窍喷出一阵烟雾。If you pressed on the back of a blister-beetle, its rear orifice would let loose a spray of mist with a pop.何首乌藤和木莲藤缠络着,Vines of Fo-Ti plants and Mu Lin (1) were entwined together.木莲有莲房一般的果实,Mu Lin has similar fruits as those contained in water-lotus seed-pods.何首乌有拥肿的根。Fo-Ti has swollen roots.有人说,何首乌根是有象人形的,吃了便可以成仙,Some people said certain Fo-Ti had human-shaped roots and consuming one would transcend a person to a god.我于是常常拔它起来,牵连不断地拔起来,也曾因此弄坏了泥墙,Therefore I always uprooted Fo-Ti plants and in the process ruined the mud-wall.却从来没有见过有一块根象人样。But I had never seen one in human shape.如果不怕刺,还可以摘到覆盆子,象小珊瑚珠攒成的小球,If you were not afraid of thorns, you could also pick raspberries which resembled ball-shaped clusters of tiny coral beads.又酸又甜,色味都比桑椹要好得远。They were sour, sweet and way better than mulberries in color and taste.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------长的草里是不去的,因为相传这园里有一条很大的赤练蛇。No one would go into the tall grass because legend had it that there was a huge red-banded snake living inside this garden.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------长妈妈曾经讲给我一个故事听:Mamma Chang once told me a story.先前,有一个读书人住在古庙里用功,Long time ago a scholar was living inside an old temple while studying hard.晚间,在院子里纳凉的时候,突然听到有人在叫他。One evening while he was enjoying the breeze in the garden, all of a sudden he heard someone call his name.答应着,四面看时,After answering, he looked around.却见一个美女的脸露在墙头上,向他一笑,隐去了。He saw the face of a beautiful girl on top of a wall who flashed him a smile and disappeared.他很高兴;He was thrilled.但竟给那走来夜谈的老和尚识破了机关。But an old monk who came over to chitchat at night spotted the hidden danger.说他脸上有些妖气,一定遇见“美女蛇”了;He said his face showed signs of evil spirits’ presence and for sure he ran into a “beauty-serpent”.这是人首蛇身的怪物,能唤人名,倘一答应,夜间便要来吃这人的肉的。This monster with human’s head and serpent’s body would call a person by his name, and if he answered then it would come and chomp on his flesh at night.他自然吓得要死,The scholar of course was almost frightened to death.而那老和尚却道无妨,给他一个小盒子,But the old monk said it wouldn’t matter and gave him a small box.说只要放在枕边,便可高枕而卧。He instructed him to put it beside his pillow, and then he could sleep through the night without a worry.他虽然照样办,却总是睡不着,――当然睡不着的。Even though he did exactly what he was told, yet he couldn’t sleep a wink and understandably why would he?到半夜,果然来了,沙沙沙!门外象是风雨声。Halfway into the night the monster came as expected with a rustling sound as if rain and wind struck outside the door.他正抖作一团时,却听得豁的一声,Just when he was trembling like a helpless calf under a hot iron, he heard a swoosh sound.一道金光从枕边飞出,外面便什么声音也没有了,Then a golden beam zipped out from the side of the pillow and afterwards it was complete silence outside.那金光也就飞回来,敛在盒子里。The golden beam also flew back and stayed in the box.后来呢?What happened after that?后来,老和尚说,这是飞蜈蚣,它能吸蛇的脑髓,The old monk later said the savior was a flying centipede which could suck out the brain plasma of the serpent.美女蛇就被它治死了。That was how it killed the beauty-serpent.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------结末的教训是:所以倘有陌生的声音叫你的名字,你万不可答应他。The moral of the story in conclusion is: if a strange voice calls your name, for goodness sake don’t answer him.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------这故事很使我觉得做人之险,This story makes me wary of the hazards in life.夏夜乘凉,往往有些担心,不敢去看墙上,When I cool off outside on a summer night, I often get apprehensive and dare not look at the top of walls.而且极想得到一盒老和尚那样的飞蜈蚣。Also I yearn for a box of flying centipede similar to the one from the old monk.走到百草园的草丛旁边时,也常常这样想。That was always the way I think when I walked near the lawn of Hundred-Grass Garden.但直到现在,总还没有得到,但也没有遇见过赤练蛇和美女蛇。However, I never get such a thing I wish for, and I have never come across red-banded snake or beauty-serpent.叫我名字的陌生声音自然是常有的,然而都不是美女蛇。Of course strange voices have often called my name but none of them came from a beauty-serpent.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------冬天的百草园比较的无味;雪一下,可就两样了。Winter’s Hundred-Grass Garden was relatively uninteresting, but once it snowed, things would be much different.拍雪人(将自己的全形印在雪上)和塑雪罗汉需要人们鉴赏,Making snow self-imprints (i.e., making an imprint of your entire body on snow) and building snow Buddhas would require an audience to appreciate.这是荒园,人迹罕至,所以不相宜,Such activities were inappropriate because this was an off-the-beaten-track garden and visitors were few.只好来捕鸟。So we would only catch birds in it.薄薄的雪,是不行的;A thin layer of snow would not do.总须积雪盖了地面一两天,鸟雀们久已无处觅食的时候才好。The best time would be when there was an accumulation of one or two days of snow on the ground such that birds had nowhere to find food.扫开一块雪,露出地面,用一支短棒支起一面大的竹筛来,We would sweep the snow off to expose a patch of ground where we would prop up a large bamboo sieve with a short stick.下面撒些秕谷,Underneath we would scatter some immature grains.棒上系一条长绳,人远远地牵着,看鸟雀下来啄食,To the stick we would tie a long string which a person would hold on to in waiting at distance for birds’ approach to find food.走到竹筛底下的时候,将绳子一拉,便罩住了。When birds were underneath the sieve, a yank of the string would trap the birds.但所得的是麻雀居多,也有白颊的“张飞鸟”,性子很躁,养不过夜的。Most of the catches were sparrows; there were grey-cheek white-wagtails as well but they would go crazy in captivity and wouldn’t last through the night.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------这是闰土的父亲所传授的方法,我却不大能用。Such was the method taught by the father of Runtu but I was not too good in using it.明明见它们进去了,At times I was certain they went in.拉了绳,跑去一看,却什么都没有,But after I yanked at the string and ran over to look, there was nothing.费了半天力,捉住的不过三四只。Subsequent to toiling for half a day, all I caught were merely three or four birds.闰土的父亲是小半天便能捕获几十只,装在叉袋里叫着撞着的。Runtu’s father could catch several tens of birds in less than half a day and left them chirping and banging around inside his angular-opening bag.我曾经问他得失的缘由,I once asked him for the reason between success and failure in that exercise.他只静静地笑道:你太性急,来不及等它走到中间去。He smiled quietly and said: “You are too impatient and can’t wait for it to reach the center.”---------------------------------------------------------------------------------我不知道为什么家里的人要将我送进书塾里去了,而且还是全城中称为最严厉的书塾。I didn’t know why people in my family wanted to send me not only to a private school, but to the one which was labeled as the strictest in the entire city.也许是因为拔何首乌毁了泥墙罢,也许是因为将砖头抛到间壁的梁家去了罢,也许是因为站在石井栏上跳下来罢,……Perhaps it was because I ruined the mud wall by pulling up Fo-Ti plants, I threw a brick over to our neighbor Mr. Liang’s house, or I stood on the outer-wall ledge of the water-well and jumped off, …都无从知道。I had no way of knowing why.总而言之:我将不能常到百草园了。Anyhow, I would not be able to go to Hundred-Grass Garden.Ade,我的蟋蟀们!I had to say adieu to my fellow crickets!Ade,我的覆盆子们和木莲们!And I had to say adieu to my fellow raspberries and Mu Lin.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------出门向东,不上半里,走过一道石桥,便是我的先生的家了。Eastward from the door of our house for less than half a mile away you would walk past a stone bridge and then there would be the house of my teacher.从一扇黑油的竹门进去,第三间是书房。You walked into the house through a black lacquered bamboo door, and the third room would be the study hall.中间挂着一块扁道:三味书屋;Hanging in the middle was a horizontal board with the inscription: “Three-Taste School”.扁下面是一幅画,画着一只很肥大的梅花鹿伏在古树下。Underneath the board was the painting of a big fat spotted-deer lying at the foot of an old tree.没有孔子牌位,我们便对着那扁和鹿行礼。第一次算是拜孔子,第二次算是拜先生。Because there was no Confucius tablet, we bowed to the horizontal board and the deer twice―the first one was for Confucius and the second one was for the teacher.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------第二次行礼时,先生便和蔼地在一旁答礼。The second time we bowed, Teacher standing aside affably returned a bow.他是一个高而瘦的老人,须发都花白了,还戴着大眼镜。He was a tall, slender old-man with greying beard/hair and spectacles.我对他很恭敬,因为我早听到,他是本城中极方正,质朴,博学的人。I was very respectful toward him because I had heard he was an extremely righteous, unpretentious and knowledgeable person in this city.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------不知从那里听来的,东方朔也很渊博,他认识一种虫,名曰“怪哉”,I forgot wherefrom but I heard Dongfang Shuo, another very knowledgeable person, recognized a type of insects called “Guai Zai”.冤气所化,用酒一浇,就消释了。They were transformed from accumulation of gross dissatisfactions and would vanish once they were doused by wine.我很想详细地知道这故事,但阿长是不知道的,因为她毕竟不渊博。I wanted to know the details of this story but Mamma Chang didn’t know because she was not conversant with things around after all.现在得到机会了,可以问先生。Now that I had the chance, I could ask Teacher.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------“先生,‘怪哉’这虫,是怎么一回事?……”我上了生书,将要退下来的时候,赶忙问。“Teacher, what is the insect ‘Guai Zai’ all about?” I asked hastily after a new class when we were about to break up.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------“不知道!”他似乎很不高兴,脸上还有怒色了。“I don’t know,” he seemed displeased and a bit annoyed.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------我才知道做学生是不应该问这些事的,只要读书,Then I realized a student should not ask these things and should only focus on studying.因为他是渊博的宿儒,决不至于不知道,Since he was such a knowledgeable scholar, it would be impossible that he did not know.所谓不知道者,乃是不愿意说。Maybe the so-called “don’t know” meant “don’t want to say”.年纪比我大的人,往往如此,我遇见过好几回了。Elders routinely behave as such and that is something I have come across in several instances.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------我就只读书,So I turned my mind to studying.正午习字,晚上对课。At noon I worked on handwriting and at night I practised on couplets.先生最初这几天对我很严厉,后来却好起来了,For the first few days Teacher was very strict on me but it got better afterwards.不过给我读的书渐渐加多,对课也渐渐地加上字去,从三言到五言,终于到七言。However, my studying workload had multiplied and the number of words in the couplet exercises had also been increased progressively, from three words to five words and finally to seven words.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------三味书屋后面也有一个园,There was also a garden behind Three-Taste School.虽然小,但在那里也可以爬上花坛去折腊梅花,Although it was small, over there I could climb up the raised flower bed to pluck wintersweet flowers.在地上或桂花树上寻蝉蜕。I could search for cicada sloughs on the ground or up on fragrant olive trees.最好的工作是捉了苍蝇喂蚂蚁,静悄悄地没有声音。The best action was to catch flies to feed ants in total quietness.然而同窗们到园里的太多,太久,可就不行了,It wouldn’t work if too many fellow students went to the garden for too long.先生在书房里便大叫起来:――Teacher in the classroom would shout out loud:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------“人都到那里去了?”“Where has everyone disappeared to?”---------------------------------------------------------------------------------人们便一个一个陆续走回去;Then one after another students would return.一同回去,也不行的。Going back side by side was not allowed.他有一条戒尺,但是不常用,He had a discipline ruler but he did not use it often.也有罚跪的规矩,但也不常用,Kneeling punishment was another established practice but was also rarely used.普通总不过瞪几眼,大声道:――Ordinarily all he would do was to glare sternly and say aloud:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------“读书!”“Get on with the books!”---------------------------------------------------------------------------------于是大家放开喉咙读一阵书,真是人声鼎沸。Then we all read at the top of our lungs and the place turned raucous.有念“仁远乎哉我欲仁斯仁至矣”的,One read: “Is kindness far away? I want it, it will come.”有念“笑人齿缺曰狗窦大开”的,Another one read: “Laugh at other’s toothlessness that resembles a wide open kennel.”有念“上九潜龙勿用”的,And another one read: “Be wary of weak momentum of early development.”有念“厥土下上上错厥贡苞茅橘柚”的……And yet another one read: “Mediocre tributes include thatches and grapefruits.”先生自己也念书。Teacher also read along.后来,我们的声音便低下去,静下去了,In the end, our voices turned lower and quieted down.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------只有他还大声朗读着:―― “铁如意,指挥倜傥,一座皆惊呢~~;金叵罗,颠倒淋漓噫,千杯未醉嗬~~……”Only Teacher still read aloud: “While gesturing free-spiritedly with an iron scratcher, he drank to his heart’s delight from a golden goblet and did not get drunk.”---------------------------------------------------------------------------------我疑心这是极好的文章,因为读到这里,他总是微笑起来,I suspected that was an excellent article because when he read to that point, he always smiled.而且将头仰起,摇着,向后面拗过去,拗过去。Also he raised his head, twirled it around, and tilted it further and further backward.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------先生读书入神的时候,于我们是很相宜的。When Teacher was totally wrapped up in his reading, it was a fitting time for us.有几个便用纸糊的盔甲套在指甲上做戏。Several students staged finger-puppet shows by putting paper helmets on their fingers.我是画画儿,用一种叫作“荆川纸”的,蒙在小说的绣像上一个个描下来,象习字时候的影写一样。I used a type of “Jingchuan paper” to draw pictures by tracing portraits inside novels, just like what I did in tracing calligraphy.读的书多起来,画的画也多起来;The more books I studied, the more pictures I drew.书没有读成,画的成绩却不少了,I did not excel in my studying, but the number of my drawing was quite a lot.最成片断的是《荡寇志》和《西游记》的绣像,都有一大本。There were enough portraits on Tale of Routing Bandits and Pilgrimage to the West to compose episodes, with a big volume on each of them.后来,因为要钱用,卖给一个有钱的同窗了。Later I needed money and sold it to a wealthy fellow student.他的父亲是开锡箔店的;听说现在自己已经做了店主,而且快要升到绅士的地位了。His father operated a joss paper store and from what I heard, he had since become store owner himself and would soon ascend to the status of local gentry.这东西早已没有了罢。My stuff was gone long time ago.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------九月十八日。September 18.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
《从百草园到三味书屋》是一曲谱写幼年往事的优美乐章。在这一脍炙人口的散文中,作者以如诗的笔触舒卷自如地为人们描绘了一个妙趣横生的童心世界。 这个世界是由色调不同、情韵各异的两大景片组成的。先是百草园,顾名思义,是个荒凉的地方,如作品所说,“其中似乎确凿只有一些野草”,可是,“那时却是我的乐园”。“草园”变成“乐园”,其间就充满了童趣,作品即以这为中心进行构图。儿童最大的心理特征就是好奇,自然的形态,自然的情调,自然的声音,必然萌发起他们的兴趣,勾起无穷的联想,那蝉的“长吟”,油蛉的“低唱”,蟋蟀的“弹琴”,都是孩子们对昆虫“语言”的好奇想象。鲁迅在百草园里描绘的就是儿童在自然环境里的极乐世界。在作者笔下,百草园是一个充满了颜色和声音的生命世界,连那青青的野草丛里,也氤氲着一个动人的故事。这故事极有声色,但见金光闪闪,风声飒飒,鬼影幢幢,妖气重重,恐怖极了,又生动极了。有人认为这像是闲笔,其实这看似信笔插话,却是极具匠心,众所周知,这是一个民间的古老传说,鲁迅借助它饶有兴趣地从另一侧面丰富了作品的内容。从结构角度看,这个故事是从园里草丛中相传“有一条很大的赤练蛇”引发出来的,文气贯通,毫无游离之感;而更重要的是它反映了儿童的心理,挖掘了潜存于他们心灵深处的奥秘。人们可以想象得出,孩子们对美女蛇的故事是又喜欢又害怕的。在技巧上看,这一插话是转叙事为描写,别开生面地为作品拓展了新的天地,百草园一渗入人情,就更具魅力了,这实是一记妙着。 百草园的另一景观是冬天,作品集中笔力只写雪天捕鸟,怎样张设机关,鸟雀如何入彀,闰土父亲如何传授方法,自己又是如何不行,虽然着墨无多,但却相当传神,是一幅充满了儿童乐趣的动画,你简直可以从里头看到孩子们欢蹦乱跳的情景,听到快乐的欢语笑声。写夏天,用浓墨重彩,写冬天则轻描淡写,这一笔路的转换,也是很讨巧的。把这两大片断连贯起来,构成了百草园的大全景,它所表现的就是“无限的趣味”,那是一个没有烦恼,没有忧愁,可以无拘无束地尽情欢笑的儿童乐园。 三味书屋的况味就完全不同了。由于对它理解不同,因此对作品的主旨和作者的创作意图也有多种猜测。有的认为鲁迅所勾勒的三味书屋是一个封建的囚牢,禁锢儿童身心的场所,因此论定作者意在批判封建教育制度。有的则相反,以为三味书屋和百草园一样,都是表现儿童乐趣的。孰是孰非,只有正视作品实际进行实事求是的分析,方能得出比较恰当的答案。三味书屋是个私塾,如作品所说,“是全城中称为最严厉的书塾”。它的样子就很古老,何谓“三味”?实是经、史、子三类书籍,“三味书屋”这一名称就鲜明地表现了这所私塾的办学宗旨和教育内容。在作品里,鲁迅十分逼真地描写了三味书屋的陈腐味,学生进学先向孔子牌位行礼,其次是拜先生,平时只能专心攻读经书,旁的学问是不许过问的。日常课程也安排得十分刻板,每天只能专门攻读经书,“正午习字,晚上对课”,书慢慢加多,对课也逐渐加上字去,“从三言到五言,终于到七言”。书塾设有打人的戒尺,也有罚跪的规则。总之,三味书屋绝不是和百草园一样是儿童的乐园,它是一所名副其实的“最严厉的书塾”,儿童在那里要受到规矩的束缚,自由是没有的;但鲁迅也没有把书塾写成儿童的囚牢,这不是他创作的本意。读这篇作品,谁都会真切地感到,在那枯燥乏味的三味书屋里,却有一股亲切的气氛流动其间,这就是儿童的谐趣。有三幅明丽的图景,值得注意,一是“园戏图”,书屋后面有一个小园,学生有时偷偷地从课堂里溜出来到里面玩耍。再就是“读书图”,师生都放开喉咙读,可读到后来,学生的声音渐渐地低下去,以至静了下来,只有老师一个人在那儿摇头晃脑大声地朗读着,这情景实在有趣极了。最后是“课嬉图”,在课堂间隙,当先生独自“读书入神”之时,孩子们便调皮起来了。这三个充满谐趣的图景,和“最严厉的书塾”似乎有点不大相称,反差很大,但这恰是透露了鲁迅的创作意图,于“严厉”的环境中,表现了儿童不可压抑的天性和本能。 “百草园”和“三味书屋”在结构上确实形成鲜明的对比,但书屋虽然是所典型的封建私塾,而鲁迅立意并不在于批判。这篇散文题目叫“从百草园到三味书屋”就点出了创作的本意和内容,即叙写自己从有“无限乐趣”的“乐园”到全城“称为最严厉的书塾”的过程和心程。 《从百草园到三味书屋》叙事生动,写人也出色,最感人的是塾师形象。对先生这个人物也有不同的看法,有的认为他是一个封建老顽固,作者对他是暴露和抨击的。其实不然,如作品所暗示的,鲁迅对先生是“很恭敬”的,作品一开始便以简洁的线条描绘出他古朴的形象,接着,以肯定语句,介绍了他的品性。在鲁迅的笔下,这位老先生似乎也并不太“严厉”,学生行礼,他在一旁“和蔼”地回拜,备有一条“戒尺”,定有“罚跪”的规则,但都不“常用”。通常也只是“瞪几眼”,大声嚷道:“读书”。管制似乎也并不太严,学生不是都能溜到小花园里顽皮,课间也能偷偷地嬉耍么?但他刻板、迂倔,显然在他看来学生是只许攻读经书子集,其他都是不正经的,不许涉猎。课读那一场景却又映现了他性情的另一方面:朴真。只见学生都悄没声儿各自嬉戏去了,就他一人大声读书,面带“微笑”,“将头仰起,摇着,向后面拗过去,拗过去”。那声音,那表情,那动作,自我陶醉,神游其间,真是活显出一个迂老夫子的天真灵魂,可爱极了。不可否认,鲁迅在对这位善良老人的描绘中,隐含有调侃之意,但其间多的是温和的微笑,眷念的深情。 《从百草园到三味书屋》像一首优美的散文诗。文字素朴隽美,几乎全是白描,然而神态逼真,形象飞扬。白描之所以生动,首先在准确,菜畦绿油油、水汪汪的,所以“碧绿”;石井栏多年轻人攀爬,自然“光滑”;皂荚树干粗枝繁,用“高大”修饰再好不过;桑椹已经熟透,因此“紫红”;油蛉鸣声细弱恰似“低唱”,蟋蟀声调铿锵,故如“弹琴”;覆盆子果实小巧玲珑,因而“像小珊瑚珠攒成的小球”。这些都是以一词绘写了物象的形态,作者把状物与写意联系在一起,以简约而富有生命力的笔调,传达了百草园的风韵,做到如古人所说的“淡墨足以传神”。叙事写人更是简洁素净,扫雪、搬食、支筛、拉线、捕鸟层次繁多的过程,仅用百来字就栩栩如生地勾画了出来,遇艳、识妖、惊恐、脱获,曲折紧张的美女蛇故事,也仅用两百来字便说得清清楚楚。有时,作者应用排比句式,表现人物的内在情绪,如在描写课读时,运用“有念”四个排句,那内容均是古书的摘句,照理比较枯燥,但一经排列组合,却化腐朽为神奇,幻成一幅生动的形象,展现了书房中摇头晃脑,人声鼎沸的读书情景。拙而巧,朴而灵,诸凡上述种种,均表明作者的语言技巧已臻极高的艺术境地。 《从百草园到三味书屋》的主题是什么众说纷纭,其主要分歧点在于:是否批判封建教育制度。 1.主题在于批判封建教育制度。 中心思想是揭露和批判封建腐朽、脱离儿童实际的私塾教育,用乐园似的百草园生活和阴森、冷酷、枯燥、陈腐的三味书屋相对比,一个是多么适合儿童心理,表现了儿童的广阔的生活乐趣,一个是多么妨碍儿童身心的发展. 类似的看法是:通过对百草园里自由快乐的生活和三味书屋里枯燥无味的生活相比,表现了热爱大自然,追求自己快乐的儿童心理,批判了封建教育制度对儿童的束缚和损害。2.主题不在于批判封建教育制度。 贯穿《从百草园到三味书屋》全文的,是甜美的欢乐的回忆,是一颗天真调皮的童心,这就是这篇散文的意境美和韵味美之所在。依照某种主观需要,凡持革命的文艺家的作品都必带“火药味”的偏见,凭空地把它附会为批判封建教育,把它的前部分和后部分作为对照割裂开来,不仅破坏了这篇作品整体的和谐统一,也破坏了它的诗意。因此,《从百草园到三味书屋》的主题思想应该是:通过对百草园和三味书屋美好生活的回忆,表现了儿童热爱自然,追求新鲜知识,天真幼稚、快乐的心理。 文章词语优美,天真。词句需揣摩。

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